Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Perfect Way to Organize Your Costume Jewelry

If your jewelry collection is like most women’s it could use some serious TLC.  We have a tendency to throw our jewelry in a drawer, store it in small overcrowded jewelry boxes, store it in more than one location or put each item in the container it came in.  Although the last choice is certainly better than some of the other choices, it is not the best way.  Think about it – you get up in the morning and you are rushed as always to get to where you need to be.  Do you really have time to go searching for your jewelry?  If it is in a box or bag in a drawer unless it is well marked even that will take time that you don’t usually have to waste.

The best way to organize your jewelry is to have it all in one place and displayed in such a way that you can see all of it at once.  This does not mean that you have to take up a lot of space.  Since I make jewelry I probably have a lot more than many women.  I store my jewelry on a discarded over-the-door bathroom rack.  I have it hanging on the back of my closet door.  It does not take up a lot of room but I am able to store and display quite a lot of jewelry.  Since it is in my closet I am able to decide what outfit to wear and which jewelry I want to wear with it easily. 

This is a picture of my jewelry organizer and display:

As you can see, I am able to store dozens of pairs of earrings, many necklaces and since there are three shelves I can put bracelets in them.

This may not work for everyone but you get the idea.  You want to have a dedicated location with room to see everything you have.  It makes it so much easier to accessorize your outfits.  If you can’t see it or find it you probably won’t wear it!

You might try using a bulletin board or cork board with pins to hold everything.  There are also many very pretty jewelry “trees” out there that might work.  Be creative and make it a fun project.

So I was a little misleading with my title for this article because there really isn’t a perfect way to display your jewelry, there are just much better ways that will make your life a little easier when it comes time to accessorize your daily outfits.

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