Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Jewelry Studio

Our son graduated from college last spring and moved back home until he could find a job, save some money and find a place of his own. He accomplished all of that and moved into his own apartment last month. We were sad to see him leave again but since he only lives 20 minutes away it isn't like we really lost him! Since he has moved out it has given us some room to move my jewelry workspace from a cramped space in the basement where we store our Christmas decorations to a room that he used as a sort of den. So something that we viewed as a negative (we really love our two children!) has a silver lining.

I spent the first day of transforming my new space packing up our son's movies, broken laptop, miscellaneous electronic wires, old books, papers and old sports equipment that didn't make the cut for going with him to his new apartment. The next day was spent removing and donating an old television, sofa and out dated stereo equipment.

My wonderful and handy husband built shelves for me to place my jewelry draws on with pegboard above them. I can now hang all of the wires and miscellaneous stuff that I have acquired. We had a spare television that our daughter used at college so he hooked that up for me. Next, he installed great new lighting for me. I have a laptop on a shelf that was already there. I have space for my lights and table that I use for taking pictures of my jewelry. I will have to take a picture of the room and post it here. I am so happy to have so much room and great lighting.

We went down to Destin, FL shortly after completing the project so today is the first day I have had to actually work in the new space. It is great! I completed a necklace and earrings that I will post later.

While I was working on the necklace, I flipped on the television and watched the local weather. It looks like we are going to get some snow in Atlanta tomorrow! We get so excited when we get a chance to actually see snow. It is so much fun to watch it fall!

Okay, so while writing this post my computer went on the blink. Since then it did snow here in Atlanta. It was just beautiful to watch. Today it is starting to melt. The picture in the top right is our front yard!

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